3×03 Enter At Your Own Risk
Debbie and Carl are taking the next step in their relationship. Emmett and Ted are offering lessons sure to send Young Deborah to the head of the class. Melanie and Lindsay are moving forward with…
Debbie and Carl are taking the next step in their relationship. Emmett and Ted are offering lessons sure to send Young Deborah to the head of the class. Melanie and Lindsay are moving forward with…
Ted and Emmett are moving in together! Brian gives it twenty-four hours. Melanie and Lindsay pick the winner of the Sperm Donor Pageant!! Ben is acting super shady and we find out why. Brian’s nephew…
Debbie, Vic, and Jennifer are drumming up voters for an upcoming election. Jennifer doesn’t get much traction on that front, but she does get two new clients in Ted and Emmett! Ian/Ethan has a chance…
Brian and Justin have reunited and it feels oh so good!!!! A landmark case has Melanie backstroking her way out of a few commitments she made to Lindsay and their family. Stockwell’s minions have infiltrated…
Michael is stressed about Melanie’s pregnancy and Lindsay just might appreciate having an ally in that corner. Emmett sends Ted for a weekend getaway, but he gets sidetracked on the drive. Ben receives a call…
Ted is back from his ‘lost weekend’ and he invites Emmett to partake in his souvenir. Melanie and Lindsay are a bit less forgiving of Ted’s actions, leading to some harsh words and hurt feelings…